Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"I see you"

Do you feel alone?

Maybe you have a whole gaggle of friends. Maybe you're involved in ministry. Maybe you have a wonderful husband and adorable kids. Maybe you work in the marketplace or work at home...are constantly surrounded by people, events and noise - but still feel lonelier than if isolated on a forsaken mountain top.

Maybe you go to a woman's group and learn about this great God, share prayer requests and answer questions, read books and catch up on gossip, but leave with soul still hunched in its corner, aching and wounded, wondering if it was really seen. Really heard.

The longer I live, the more and more I am realizing that while life has its beauties and glories and wonderful moments, there is also pain, ache and chronic struggle. And the thing about these struggles is they are so often internal. These battles occur not out on a field in broad daylight with the flash of muzzle and cannon, but in the dark, secret padded rooms of the mind where no one can hear you scream.

And this world - this "American Dream" leaves us grasping and hoping and groping for perfection, the glossy joy that should emboss the pages of our Martha Stewart magazine modeled life. We wonder what is wrong with us that we should still struggle with that sin, feel the slightest rejection so deeply, or at the very least not be completely Brady-Bunched out over our lovely homes, working cars, food, clothing and 2.1 children. We wonder why oh why we still feel so alone?

My friends - may I submit to you that the American Dream is in fact, just that - a dream. This world is a smoke screen for the deeper things. Things the Great Deceiver would have you never see, never experience...

Like the awesome power of a Holy Spirit moment blazing through your soul.

Like the liberation of exposing long locked-away secrets to the cleansing truth of His purifying light.

Like the deeper issue than your struggle with weight, or lust, or anger, or willful child, or disinterested husband.

There is a struggle y'all. But it is much more than just a "struggle". What you may see as pithy is actually an epic battle being fought on the bloody soil of your soul and it is Lord-of-the-Rings-meets-Star-Wars-and-Hunger-Games huge.

And that "great" Deceiver - you know what his ultimate weapon is? Subversion. Secrecy. That darn wolf will separate you from the herd and make you feel like you are the only one. THE ONLY ONE dealing with your struggle. Then he'll convince you the epic battle in the heavenlies is only in your head, that its your fault you struggle. That no one will care and no one will see.

And that, dear heart, is bull hockey at its finest.

Because you are not alone.
Never have been.
Never will be.

The One who made the galaxies and gentle breathing of the little one resting in your arms is the gallant knight who became a little one so you could rest in His arms. He is mighty to save, brighter than the deepest darkness yet ever ever so gentle. And He is pleading for you to remove the God-cancelling headphones from your ears to hear Him screaming: "I. SEE. YOU!!"

And as He is holding and healing He asks you to open your eyes to the hurting around you. Every person on this planet has a story. Every person on this planet has a pain. We've just gotten so good at hiding them that it seems "normal" and "attainable" to have a happy care-free life. That is not the goal dear ones. Perfection in this world is a pipe dream. And while that may seem drab and kind of a buzz-kill, it is the truth. But if you love the Lord and have His Spirit, then perfection is already in you. You have Healing Balm, Elixir of Life that could save the soul of the person next to you. Your Word could be encouragement that gives a girl hope, helps that man take the next step. Your hand could gently lead someone from darkness into light.

Maybe that's all true, Carie - you say. But will anyone even care about me and what I'm facing? Everyone else seems to have it together! 

That right there is exactly what the devil would have you believe - that your story doesn't matter...

What if we all took a leap of faith and tore down our soul-walls? What if we opened the doors and let others in and by letting others in, let in LIGHT? God sees and cares - and wants us to be a people who SEE and CARE. 

Let's acknowledge the difficulty and raw grittiness of our struggles and then hand them over to God to deal with! When we are not looking so intently at ourselves we have the time and ability to see the struggle and battles happening in those around us. What if by sharing our stories with each other it led to our healing?

I am praying for you to have eyes to see that
All is Grace...and that you're not in this alone.

Your battles matter - they could very well be the key to winning The War.
