Sunday, October 19, 2014

Once upon a time... She started a blog

I remember the first time I heard the word "blog"... I had absolutely no idea what it was. The first thing that came to mind was the very horrible B-film The Blob. Don't ask me why. My mind works in mysterious ways. Eventually I was able to decipher that a blog was an online diary of sorts and I thought "Why would anyone want to have a diary ONLINE? Where the whole world could see it? Is nothing sacred anymore?" And so for years, I never even read them.

Until one fateful day when I stumbled upon The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking  and immediately fell in love. I mean, this gal was great! She was crafty, witty, tattooed, compassionate and creative. I was hooked. I couldn't wait until she posted again. Over the years, there have been other blogs I've fallen in love with too...Kisses from Kate, Life with Jack and A Shress a Day to name a few. Some blogs inspire me to create, others keep me accountable, some are just plain beautiful. I feel like, for all my blog reading, I've learned that a good blog leaves you changed, or at least wanting to change. Leaves you desiring to be a better you. To dig deeper into life, love and beauty...but most of all to discover a greater longing and hunger to know The One who made it all.

And so, after much pondering and hem-hawing, (I mean, have you ever even googled "How to start a blog?" Don't. Please. Overwhelming with a big 'ol capital 'O'.) I decided to take a wise friend's advice: Just do it.

So I am. What will my blog become? Lord knows. But I have so much going through my head all the time that I just needed a place to word-bleh it out. (Lovely mental pic and totally awful grammar, I know.) I will share about my passions: organizing, cooking, orphan care/adoption, health & fitness, decor, homeschooling, literature, living simply... all things that bring life it's color and beauty. But most of all I hope you get a glimpse of me. My heart. My dreams. My all-consuming love for a Father who never leaves and calls me - you - everyone - worthy and WORTH it. The same Father through whom...

ALL is grace,

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