Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hubby's Salsa

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I love food. All kinds really, but Mexican is very close to the top of my list. Something magical happens when you combine limes, cilantro and sea salt...It's pure bliss. One of may favorite ways to use said magical elixir is in a basic pico de gallo. 

I remember the first time I had this salsa like it was yesterday...

I was visiting my soon-to-be in-laws with soon-to-be Mr. Steady. My MIL is an amazing cook and has taught me a lot over the years. Anyhoo, they were cooking fajitas and served this salsa on the side. It was love at first bite...and the rest is history. The salsa is pretty excellent too. (wink, wink)

We have been going through a batch a week since we got back from the holidays. I don't know if it's because we overdosed on sugary goodness while we were gone, but we've been craving this stuff. It's perfect for late night snacking, a colorful addition to eggs, topping for grilled steaks and chicken or eaten straight out of the bowl.   

Now everyone knows that fruits and veggies provide optimal energy and nutrients for our bodies, but my insatiable (<-- ha, I'm so punny) need to know things prompted me to research all the benefits eating salsa was giving me...and what I found was pretty interesting - and totally explains why we've been craving it. Here's what I learned about some of the ingredients (keep in mind I'm not a licensed nutritionist, so if I misuse a term, please don't hold it against me):

  • Tomatoes - contain Lycopene, a powerful anti-oxident, as well as vitamins and minerals
  • Onion - high in Vitamin C, minerals, sulfur (which is good for your liver) and flavonoids (a type of anti-oxidant
  • Jalapeño - Capsaicin, which gives the pepper it's spice, helps to burn calories (cha-ching!), is anti-inflammatory, and can block neuropeptide Substance P that can cause headaches.
  • Lime - High in Vitamin C, aids in digestion by breaking down food, also contains anti-oxidant flavonoids and is naturally detoxing
  • Cilantro - contains anti-oxidant and detoxifying compounds, has been shown to help bind and remove toxic metals

No wonder we're craving this stuff! After all the high-sugar high-calorie carb loading, our bodies were ready for a little cleansing. 

Hubby's Salsa  (a.k.a. Pico de Gallo)

5 large tomatoes
1 medium onion
1 jalapeño
Juice of 1 lime
Small bunch cilantro
3 scallions
Approximately 1 Tbs coarse sea salt
1 tsp mexican seasoning (salt and msg free please)
Optional:  2 small celery sticks, finely chopped
                 1/4 cup finely chopped pineapple or mango

  • Cut the tomatoes into large chunks, pulse in food processor until desired consistency, then pour into a glass bowl. (Metal will interact with the acids in the tomatoes, leaving a metallic taste)
  • Quarter the onion, and remove stems from the cilantro. Run through the processor and add to the tomatoes.
  • Stem, seed and finely dice the jalapeño and scallions. Add to bowl.
  • Add salt, Mexican seasoning, lime juice and optional ingredients if using.
  • Mix well, store in an airtight container. (I recommend a large glass jar so you don't stink up your tupperware)
YIELD - Approximately 8 cups

This salsa would make a great gift for new homeowners, new parents or just that special someone on your list who is tackling their New Year's "get fit" resolution. Enjoy!

All is Grace,

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