Friday, September 25, 2015

We're officially "official"!

It's hard to believe we are at this point, but we are officially licensed to adopt and/or provide emergency or respite foster care! There are so many unknowns and uncertainties, but we are fully confident that we are exactly where He wants us to be....And honestly, I'm beginning to embrace the unknown more each day, because it's there I am fully dependent and relying on God. When I choose to do things in my own strength or finite wisdom, its only a matter of time before I am burned out or bummed out and back in His arms of Grace.

Continue to pray for us as we begin this new stretch of our journey...
Here's our latest update:

And if you don't mind, please consider passing our story on? Each dollar brings us closer to helping two kiddos find their forever family...And the joy received in joining with our cause will far exceed the sacrifice of giving.

All is Grace,

Friday, September 4, 2015

God is so so good

Just a quick post before we head out for the holiday weekend, but I just had to share this:

So if you read my last post and were struck by the gorgeous smokey pictures, they are now haunting me for a whole new glorious reason...

In the very same moments I was penning my thoughts on the trials of life and triumph of Christ, my dear dear friend who has been through her own deep valleys and come out with amazing testimonies of God's grace and glory was painting THIS on her bedroom wall.......

{chills upon glorious chills}

Here's a recap of the pics I posted:

The symbolism and beauty take my breath away. I mean - how freaking AMAZING is God!? I didn't even take these pictures. Like a master conductor He orchestrated my friend Bea into place at these exact scenes at these exact moments to snap the pictures. He led me to be lazy (haha) and not take my own pictures but beg them off of Bea. 

And THEN. 

Hundreds of miles away, my best friend was using her God-given talent for putting emotions down with paint to create a mural on her bedroom wall. She hadn't even seen my post...God KNEW how much this would encourage and link the both of us and in His awesome grace I pray He uses it again to bless YOU. 

Take a moment and revel, dear reader.

His timing is perfect. 
His resources limitless. 
His glory infinite. 
His love and concern for even the smallest of moments: mind-blowing. 
If this doesn't reaffirm in your heart how much He is in the details...
Ask Him for eyes to see.  

With great love shouting that 
THIS is grace, 