Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A pretty use for leftover herbs

Today the clouds are low and gray and heavy laden, lumbering slowly across the sky. The hills are dusted with the powdered sugar of first fall snows, but here in the valley, sky mists over with icy drops of intermittent rain leaving slightest wisp of snowy memory on the brain.

Days like this, energy and time slow to a trickle, mimicking the coquettish mountain stream as it murmurs and meanders and falls into winter's beckoning breath.

It can be hard to battle the coming gloom and gray of winter.

But sometimes the laughter of a child, the warm scent of a gingerbread latte, or a little bit of leafy beauty brought indoors can help keep the clouds at bay...at least until that next snatch of sunlight heads your way.

When using fresh herbs for cooking I often have quite a bit leftover, especially if I purchase them at the Good Food Store. I always save the extra and try to remember to use them up in other recipes, but usually I forget and they end up going in the trash. I've read they can be chopped and frozen with either oil or water in ice cube trays, but I can be lazy and forgetful and that method has never really appealed to me.

I've always thought greenery was just as pretty as the flowers themselves, and so when I have quite a bit of extra herbs I've started saving them in mini vases and places them in nooks around the house. This works especially well with the stalkier herbs like thyme and rosemary.

It's like getting two-for-one! Yummy fresh taste in your prepared dishes and a little bouquet to make you smile for days after.

All is Grace,

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