Monday, December 15, 2014

A Christmas To Remember

Photos in this post by Bea Hufman Photography

I sure hope you have been enjoying the Advent posts...I have really enjoyed writing them. They have helped keep me accountable and I feel like this is one of the first Christmases that my heart has truly been in a state of advent.

This week is busy with last minute shopping, wrapping, list-making, holiday celebrations and packing for our Christmas vacation. And as I sat here trying to figure what to right for tomorrow's post I felt myself getting stressed.

I never want my posts to be forced - I don't feel you can force God's words into your heart and out of your fingertips onto the page. I want to make sure everything I write comes from a place of authenticity and not because I'm a "blogger" and "this is what I do."

With that said, I really feel like God has asked me to take these last 10 days or so of advent and focus on my family and truly taking a vacation.

I have already created posts for the rest of advent with your daily readings, however there will be no more "commentary" from me on each day's post.

I pray that you will keep seeking after the God-child in the days to come and that your walk with Him is richer and more vibrant because if it.

Thank you for reading. I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years... Until then.

All is Grace,

Taking a break from sharing my heart with you so I can share it with these lovelies...

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