Friday, December 12, 2014

Advent Day 12 - A Candle in the Darkness - Isaiah 9:2,6-7

Today has been one of those days. ..

Where world closes in and shrinks to size of tiny rooms lived in. 
Where Littles lie, push, shriek, cry, whine, disobey and say "Mama?" a billion times.
Where Lil' Peach is fed entree after entree and nothing satisfies and the tantrum continues until I fantasize throwing food in her face and growling like a not-so-cartoonish beast "...then go ahead and STAAAAARVE!"
Where pain is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - all rolled into one giant snowball gaining soul-momentum...blowing everything in its way out of proportion, leaving chaos, destruction and heart-break in its unforgiving wake. 

Today was a land of deep darkness.

And the thing about these days? Everyone has them, and they can come out of nowhere. One minute you're blissfully happy in your perfect life with your healthy family and cozy home anticipating all the joy and celebration of the season... and next you're wondering how you got there and can you ever escape?

I've always loved a quote by Helen Keller: "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." But what do you do when the fog is thick and soupy and heavy, hiding any trace of light?

Just because you cannot see the sun, does not mean it is not there. 

Who among you fears the Lord and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord, and rely on your God.  Isaiah 50:10 (NLT) emphasis mine

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12 (ESV) emphasis mine

He is the sun - The Son - our source of light. Just as we never doubt the sun's presence - even when we cannot see it. The Light of the world is always there...

Our God who breathed stars into the dark - He breathed Bethlehem's Star, then He became a Baby with lungs and breathed in stable air. We are all saved and rescued from the hopeless dark because God came with infant fists and opened wide His hands to hold yours...

And it doesn't matter how dark the dark is - Jesus comes to the darkest places so you can see His light the brightest.  (Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, pg. 87)

Like the flaming of a candle in utter darkness, Isaiah's words pierce my soul-shadow with hope:

For me this Child, this Gift was born! For me!
He is ruling this crazy chaotic world...
He is Wisdom, and Strength, and Eternity
The Prince of Wholeness...

Ever reminding me that
All is grace,
(Especially when it doesn't feel like it)


Isaiah 9:2

The Message (MSG)

2-7 The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light.
For those who lived in a land of deep shadows—
    light! sunbursts of light!
You repopulated the nation,
    you expanded its joy.
Oh, they’re so glad in your presence!
    Festival joy!
The joy of a great celebration,
    sharing rich gifts and warm greetings.
The abuse of oppressors and cruelty of tyrants—
    all their whips and cudgels and curses—
Is gone, done away with, a deliverance
    as surprising and sudden as Gideon’s old victory over Midian.
The boots of all those invading troops,
    along with their shirts soaked with innocent blood,
Will be piled in a heap and burned,
    a fire that will burn for days!
For a child has been born—for us!
    the gift of a son—for us!
He’ll take over
    the running of the world.
His names will be: Amazing Counselor,
    Strong God,
Eternal Father,
    Prince of Wholeness.
His ruling authority will grow,
    and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings.
He’ll rule from the historic David throne
    over that promised kingdom.
He’ll put that kingdom on a firm footing
    and keep it going
With fair dealing and right living,
    beginning now and lasting always.
The zeal of God-of-the-Angel-Armies
    will do all this.

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