Saturday, January 24, 2015

Paleo Puffy Pancakes

I stumbled upon a recipe for puffy pancakes in one of Martha Stewart's magazines years ago. I love the idea of whipping up one batch of pancakes and being done with it instead of slaving over a griddle making batch after batch.

Puffy pancakes go by several names: dutch babies, oven pancakes... I prefer puffy pancakes cuz it's cuter. (And doesn't dutch babies sounds slightly cannibalistic? Just me?...*awkward silence*)

However, since our family has been slowly switching to a more paleo-based diet, I wanted to find a way to make the pancakes less "puffy" to our waistlines and something we could indulge in on a more regular basis, so I experimented until I came up with this recipe.

I love how satisfying this recipe is - my kids will easily ask for seconds and thirds. Leftovers last well in the fridge and can simply be reheated in the oven. Since this batter is made in a blender - pancakes have never been so easy to whip up! My favorite way to eat these is with drizzled raw honey, a sprinkle of cinnamon and sliced bananas. (My mouth is drooling just thinking about it!)

 I hope you enjoy them as much as we do! (And if you don't have some of the ingredients, no worries...this recipe is very forgiving. Just substitute the same amount of whatever traditional baking ingredients you have around)

Bon Apetit!

Paleo Puffy Pancakes

  • 4 tbs clarified butter (also known as ghee), or coconut oil
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 2 tbs coconut flour
  • 1 tbs grass-fed gelatin
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 6 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • Fresh fruit - bananas, peaches, berries, sautéed apples
  • Cinnamon
  • Powdered sugar
  • Maple syrup or honey
  • Fresh whipped cream
  • Lemon/lime juice
  • Jam


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Melt the butter in a 9x13 pan in the oven while mixing the ingredients.
  3. Crack eggs into blender.
  4. Add flours, gelatin, milk and salt
  5. Pulse until well incorporated.
  6. When butter is melted, remove from oven and pour batter into the pan. 
  7. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until set in middle and golden brown around the edges.
  8. Let cool several minutes before cutting. Top with desired ingredients and enjoy!
* If you've made traditional puffy pancakes before, you'll notice these do not get as "puffy". This is due to the heavier texture of the flours, and is to be expected.

Serves: 3-4
(If I'm making this for my family of five, I will make a 1 1/2 batch recipe...using 1.5 cups flour, 1.5 cups milk, 9 eggs...etc.)

Let me know what you think!

All is Grace,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hubby's Salsa

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I love food. All kinds really, but Mexican is very close to the top of my list. Something magical happens when you combine limes, cilantro and sea salt...It's pure bliss. One of may favorite ways to use said magical elixir is in a basic pico de gallo. 

I remember the first time I had this salsa like it was yesterday...

I was visiting my soon-to-be in-laws with soon-to-be Mr. Steady. My MIL is an amazing cook and has taught me a lot over the years. Anyhoo, they were cooking fajitas and served this salsa on the side. It was love at first bite...and the rest is history. The salsa is pretty excellent too. (wink, wink)

We have been going through a batch a week since we got back from the holidays. I don't know if it's because we overdosed on sugary goodness while we were gone, but we've been craving this stuff. It's perfect for late night snacking, a colorful addition to eggs, topping for grilled steaks and chicken or eaten straight out of the bowl.   

Now everyone knows that fruits and veggies provide optimal energy and nutrients for our bodies, but my insatiable (<-- ha, I'm so punny) need to know things prompted me to research all the benefits eating salsa was giving me...and what I found was pretty interesting - and totally explains why we've been craving it. Here's what I learned about some of the ingredients (keep in mind I'm not a licensed nutritionist, so if I misuse a term, please don't hold it against me):

  • Tomatoes - contain Lycopene, a powerful anti-oxident, as well as vitamins and minerals
  • Onion - high in Vitamin C, minerals, sulfur (which is good for your liver) and flavonoids (a type of anti-oxidant
  • Jalapeño - Capsaicin, which gives the pepper it's spice, helps to burn calories (cha-ching!), is anti-inflammatory, and can block neuropeptide Substance P that can cause headaches.
  • Lime - High in Vitamin C, aids in digestion by breaking down food, also contains anti-oxidant flavonoids and is naturally detoxing
  • Cilantro - contains anti-oxidant and detoxifying compounds, has been shown to help bind and remove toxic metals

No wonder we're craving this stuff! After all the high-sugar high-calorie carb loading, our bodies were ready for a little cleansing. 

Hubby's Salsa  (a.k.a. Pico de Gallo)

5 large tomatoes
1 medium onion
1 jalapeño
Juice of 1 lime
Small bunch cilantro
3 scallions
Approximately 1 Tbs coarse sea salt
1 tsp mexican seasoning (salt and msg free please)
Optional:  2 small celery sticks, finely chopped
                 1/4 cup finely chopped pineapple or mango

  • Cut the tomatoes into large chunks, pulse in food processor until desired consistency, then pour into a glass bowl. (Metal will interact with the acids in the tomatoes, leaving a metallic taste)
  • Quarter the onion, and remove stems from the cilantro. Run through the processor and add to the tomatoes.
  • Stem, seed and finely dice the jalapeño and scallions. Add to bowl.
  • Add salt, Mexican seasoning, lime juice and optional ingredients if using.
  • Mix well, store in an airtight container. (I recommend a large glass jar so you don't stink up your tupperware)
YIELD - Approximately 8 cups

This salsa would make a great gift for new homeowners, new parents or just that special someone on your list who is tackling their New Year's "get fit" resolution. Enjoy!

All is Grace,

Saturday, January 10, 2015

My New Year's resolution - To lay it down

Photo by Bea Hufman Photography

Lay it down

Every year as December winds to a close and a new calendar gets hung on the wall, my thoughts generally turn inward and contemplative. I think of all that has happened and has yet to come. I start making lists of changes I would like to see in myself, my home and my family.

And come January 1st (or sometimes 3rd or 4th) I try my darnedest to implement them:
- Exfoliate more
- Drink more water
- Read the Bible every day 
- Talk less, listen more
- Hit the gym five days a week
- Take a break from sugar
- Drink fewer calories
- Respect Mr. Steady more
- Remember to send monthly birthday cards
- Tithe more regularly
- Call a friend a day...

And the list goes on and on until I'm already burned out just making it. Is this what God would have of us each year? To be burnt out and feeling guilty before we even begin? Yes, our health is important. Yes, relationships are important. And YES, reading the Word regularly is important. 

But I have a theory. Maybe the solution for the "best-new-year-ever" isn't to make an even bigger list or stronger promise to do or be better... but to LAY. IT. DOWN.

Lay it down.

All of it. The lists, the demands, the quotas and guilt-trips and calendars and rules and fasts and restrictions. Maybe, just maybe - by laying down our resolutions and letting them die a peaceful death - we can rise again and TRULY live. 

Everything I am, everything I long to be
I lay it down at Your feet
Everything I am, everything I long to be
I lay it down at Your feet

I lay it down, I lay it down
I lay it down at Your feet
I lay it down, I lay it down
I lay it down at Your feet

Oh, Pearl of greatest price
No act of sacrifice
Can match the gift of life
I find within Your gaze

Oh, what a sweet exchange
I die to rise again
Lifted up from the grave
Into Your hands of grace

I lay it down, I lay it down
I lay it down at Your feet
I lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down at Your feet

Published by
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
Read more:  Matt Maher - Lay It Down Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Happy 2015 dear friends... May this be our most alive yet.

All is grace (and not striving, promising and list-making),